Saturday, January 12, 2008

Aqua then... Aqua now (part2)

I forgot to mention this... we always have new faces whenever the new term starts. But on the third session onwards, they are no longer be found except for the regulars. Beats me what happen to them...

We have 2 sessions a day, I went for the later on wednesday. While i was waiting for the first class to end, i sat by the pool, browsing and chatting with some kakis when i spotted an "unusual"... "Did i see a guy in the pool?" i asked my neighbour. Yes, there was a guy in the water amidst the ladies whom made up 90% of the class. How brave he was!

We asked our instructor "How do you find having a guy in your class?" "Oh well, don't you all find him cute?" Cute? But i did not have a good look at him. What a pity. "Oh wow!! What time is he coming for the next class?" my neighbour was escalated. But nobody knows.

So does it mean that our newbies will become more regular now? hahaha.. kidding. ;)

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