Teaming up with various combination of people can be really fun! The outcome? For my case, was effective!
Mr Talented: tall, friendly, approachable, thrifty
Mr Booster: fit, energetic, positive, faithful
Mr Quiet: quiet, accommodating, obedient
Ms Bubble: young, bubbly, creative, quick-thinker
Ms Clarity: fair, patient, mathematical, task-oriented
Ms Timer: meticulous, organized, (a little) perceptive?
Lets start with Ms Timer. She is one who loves to plan. Because she hates to rush, she will prepare her plan-sheets in advance, making sure everybody knows what was happening. Also, because she is a little imaginative, she tends to perceive what could possibly happen, thus she will try to convince the team into her idea. However, because she thinks she is perceptive, she gets upset when her team disagree with her, as she was concerned that the probability might happen “See, I knew it. If we had done that, this wouldn’t have happen” her occasional quote so far.
Next, our Mr Talented. He is adaptive and has leadership skill. And because he is approachable and timely chivalrous, he is well-liked among some ladies, a drawing factor. His talent in instrumental skill brings so much convenience to the team. Whenever there was a stand-still moment, all you need is him to strum the strings to break the stillness. Plus the fact that he is adaptive, he can play where and when you request of him. Wonderful isn’t it?
Mr Booster. He literally lives up to this name, emotionally, spiritually and physically. And because he is physically fit, he could dash from one place to another, sometimes multi-tasking, and never look weary. He has such a positive and possible attitude, you may begin to doubt if this is reality? A man of faith indeed! He loves to encourage. Whenever he can, he would spur the team by reminding us of our strength. An emotional pillar to the team.
Ms Bubble. She is young and full of ideas! Very creative and thoughtful. She’s always oozing with ideas... you wonder where did she get that energy? When all of us were brain-dead at the end of work week, she will be left standing with her creativity. Kudos to her! And because she has so many ideas, sometimes I wish I could stretch the day longer so that all these ideas can come to pass. So many ways, so little time. An added credential team player.
Ms Clarity. Sensible, reliable, systematic. With her around, you need not worry about calculations, such as how should the ratio telly when there were so many request; who to put on waiting list, who to move up to registration list; how to group the people so that there is no trace of unbalance. And because she is not bias, you can trust that she takes no “bribery” whoever request for specific grouping system. With her around, you can be proud of a clean record. Thumbs up for her!
Mr Quiet. Well, the name says it all. I attribute this characteristic for being new to the team? And probably new to organizing events? But he was most humble, willing to corporate and stayed with the team to the end. Although he seemed uncertain, he was willing to learn and listen to others.
Because of this amazing combination, the differences complimented one another. It was very encouraging to see various talents coming together to put forth a “show” that serves good to others.
Pointers I see of this team:
1) Able to appreciate one another’s strength instead of being jealous
2) Able to bring out the best in one another
3) Learning to be firm and decisive, humble and gentle
4) Never lacking in encouragement
Many things I have learnt from this short period of time. I truly enjoyed myself, never felt so satisfied in so many events! Its amazing how despite our differences, we brought us together!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Bon Appetite! (part 2)

Arriving at the Brit’s home, the first to greet me was Peter, her home-grown long-eared rodent. “Its so cute!” It was caged near the entrance. So my friend opened the cage-door, and pull it out by its ears, gently. “Oh.. wouldn’t it hurt?” “But this is the way rabbits are held” he seemed confident. I was drawn to the little furry, defenseless mammal, crouching in the arms of a man until I went forward to touch it, it hopped from his arm to under the dinning table! “Quick, catch it!” A cosy home now ran into a frantic chase! At last, caught it! and back to the cage where he probably feel safer. “Phew! That was close!” We had a good laugh!
I went to the kitchen to check on the host. She was completely into her work, totally oblivious of us chasing after Peter. She was preparing the side dishes, I saw blanched cauliflowers, mashed carrots and turnip (this is her home recipe), bangers and the oven was oozing with... its a whole roasted chicken! “Need any help?” “Yes please, just add some salt to the cauliflowers to taste” That was easy. I hold the dish and presented it on the table which was already laid with cutlery, neatly. Fork and knife by the sides, dessert-spoon above the plate, wine glasses standing tall by its side.
“Its ready!” This was what we were looking forward. A proper English dinner by our dear friend from Brit. “This is how we do at dinner” She begin to share how Brits should be eating, cutting, bringing the food to themselves by the fork and other protocols at a dinner. It was eye-opening for us yellow-skinned urbanites. She then cut the chicken and started to distribute food around. After saying Grace, dinner commenced. Clink! We drank a toast to our friend “Cheers to the Brits!”
I started with the mash... it was so creamy! She passed me the gravy and said it should go with the mashed potato. Indeed, the gravy enhanced the flavour and smoothness. “You know, I added almost half a tub of butter to this” Half a tub? How big was the tub?? Nah... I love the mash alright! It was what it matters! Thumbs up for a start.
I went on to the roasted potato and pumpkin chunks. The parts where it burnt, was a hit! Especially the pumpkins. It was genuinely sweet and sticky I could have it for dessert instead. It was perfect to have them with the roasted chicken. “Its the first time I did a whole chicken” Well done Brit! The best part of it was the skin, soft and slightly crispy. It was a tasty game.
The bangers and vegetables completed the meal, but hold! We have a big surprise waiting in the fridge! “Time for dessert” She seemed thrill. And there, we were presented a mega double-tiers Victoria Sponge, oozing with goodness of cream in between. It was humongous! It was more than 20cm in diameter, about 10cm tall.
The top was layered with generous serving of chocolate icing, in wavy design. Then a thick chocolate sponge, followed by the cream. This cream was no ordinary confectionery, it was whip with icing I believe? I could feel the tiny crisp in it. Lastly, another layer of chocolate sponge as thick as the first. The host had to stand cutting the cake. “Here’s one for you”, we held our plates for her.
And there, sitting before me, a triangular piece of chocolate Victoria sponge. As it was chilled, the icing resembled a chocolate bar, wrapped around a sponge. Combined the icing and sponge, it tasted like brownie with chilled chocolate. But when I came to the middle portion, I realized I had the cream of the crop! The soft creamy goodness was like ice cream that never melts! Now I know why there were so much of the in-between... Besides the cake, we had English tea as well. It was a soothing way to end the course. Once again, big thanks to the Brit!
(The Victoria Sponge was home-baked, courtesy of the Brit. Recipe anyone?)
Friday, June 6, 2008
Bon Appetite! (part 1)

Yes, I love home-cook, whatever it may be, I love them all!
On Saturday, I had the privilege to be invited by friends to their lovely homes for home-cook tasting. Afternoon was an European fare. Evening was authentic British delights.
My friends invited me to their son’s one year birthday brunch. After a shopping spree to get a gift for the birthday boy, I was on my way to the feast.
Arriving at the door step of my friends’ home, I could smell the aroma of bread, fresh from the oven. “Hey, Esther is here”, the baby’s Mum greeted me at the door. I was one of the early birds.
It was ciabattas that was dished out. Like a big fluffy pillow, soft and spongy, lazily lying on a wooden board, golden surface with a light sheen. My eyes followed through till I came to the table of a hearty fare. There were ratatouille, pizza, mash potato, chicken, quiche... “Chilli-corn is on the way”, the chef had a busy morning.
“Shall we begin?” I found a good seat by the table and helped myself to everything except for their “backup plan”. The ratatouille looked mellowed, but the bright capsicums added some life to the dish. The moment I tasted it, I knew I have under-estimated it... “Pardon me but you really tasted fantastic!!” This dish was prepared the night before, left in the fridge and was heated on that day. Every bit of the squash was full and rich in flavour. Soft but not marshy. The juice of every squash complimented one another. With merely a little herbs and salt, this mix of squash tasted sweet and juicy.
Next, I moved on to the chicken. I love the peppered aroma. I took a bite on its tenderness and realized the taste of ratatouille was so overwhelm, I could not sense the chicken! Perhaps the chicken needed more time to marinate? Or perhaps I should have started on the chicken first?
The ciabatta waited long. From a lazy big slap of pillow, it now turned into golden square blocks ready to be served. It was soft and smooth to touch. Smell of oven bread and a little herbs. I pinched the side and dipped it into tomato puree mix. Nice! Then I decided to do without the sauce. Nicer!! Its chewy and soft at the same time. Feel so homely at every bite!
The next wonderful discovery was the ham quiche. The huge indents on its edge of the crust, like huge finger prints, gave it away. It was easy to cut into triangles. The texture looked firm, like those of almond jelly, if you know what i mean. It has a rich flavour of egg and cheese. Some of the stripes of ham were slightly crisp which gave this quiche an additional credit. When I was done with it, I could not leave my eyes off the smaller quiches, I wanted to pack it home!
The drinks came as a pleasant surprise. The lemon-grass was crashed and squeezed, its juice was mixed with sweetening, added some crushed ice and water. It was totally delightful! Instant thirst quencher with a lovely fragrance. I had to have a few more cups in such a hot weather.
The rest of the dish was unforgettable. I had to remind myself not to hurt my belly since i have another feast in the evening.
“Thanks for your hospitality. I have to go to my friend’s house now”. I bid my friends farewell and head on to the Brits.
(About the ciabattas, the touch and smell of it is so heavenly you just wanted to lay your head on it like you would on a pillow! Yes, its THAT soft and fluffy! I would love to have one for myself, lying my head and chew on it at the same time!)
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